290 AMD Geodeā¢ SC1200/SC1201 Processor Data Book
Core Logic Module - USB Controller Registers - PCIUSB
Offset 4Ch-4Fh HcRhDescriptorB Register (R/W) Reset Value = 00000000h
31:16 PortPowerControlMask. Global-power switching. This field is only valid if NoPowerSwitching is cleared and PowerSwitch-
ingMode is set (individual port switching). When set, the port only responds to individual port power switching commands
(Set/ClearPortPower). When cleared, the port only responds to global power switching commands (Set/ClearGlo-
0: Device not removable.
1: Global-power mask.
Port Bit relationship - Unimplemented ports are reserved, read/write 0.
0 = Reserved
1 = Port 1
2 = Port 2
15 = Port 15
15:0 DeviceRemoveable. USB ports default to removable devices.
0: Device not removable.
1: Device removable.
Port Bit relationship
0 = Reserved
1 = Port 1
2 = Port 2
15 = Port 15
Unimplemented ports are reserved, read/write 0.
Note: This register is only reset by a power-on reset (PCIRST#). It is written during system initialization to configure the Root Hub.
These bit should not be written during normal operation.
Offset 50h-53h HcRhStatus Register (R/W) Reset Value = 00000000h
31 ClearRemoteWakeupEnable (Write Only). Writing a 1 to this bit clears DeviceRemoteWakeupEnable. Writing a 0 has no
30:18 Reserved. Read/Write 0s.
17 OverCurrentIndicatorChange. This bit is set when OverCurrentIndicator changes. Writing a 1 clears this bit. Writing a 0
has no effect.
16 Read: LocalPowerStatusChange. Not supported. Always read 0.
Write: SetGlobalPower. Write a 1 issues a SetGlobalPower command to the ports. Writing a 0 has no effect.
15 Read: DeviceRemoteWakeupEnable. This bit enables ports' ConnectStatusChange as a remote wakeup event.
0: Disabled.
1: Enabled.
Write: SetRemoteWakeupEnable. Writing a 1 sets DeviceRemoteWakeupEnable. Writing a 0 has no effect.
14:2 Reserved. Read/Write 0s.
1 OverCurrentIndicator. This bit reflects the state of the OVRCUR pin. This field is only valid if NoOverCurrentProtection
and OverCurrentProtectionMode are cleared.
0: No over-current condition.
1:Over-current condition.
0 Read: LocalPowerStatus. Not Supported. Always read 0.
Write: ClearGlobalPower. Writing a 1 issues a ClearGlobalPower command to the ports. Writing a 0 has no effect.
Note: This register is reset by the UsbReset state.
Table 6-42. USB_BAR+Memory Offset: USB Controller Registers (Continued)
Bit Description