AMD Confidential
User Manual September 12
, 2008
42 Chapter 5: Running the Simulator
Enable mouse and keyboard inputs to
Image search path for loading image files.
Mediator connection string for network
adapters to use.
Directory to load devices from. If used, it
must be first.
Table 5-2: Newmachine Command Arguments
newmachine[ [--nogui | -c | --gui] [--novga | -n | --vga]
[-d | +d] [-i <path>] [-m <path>] [-l <path>] ]
The following command creates a new simulation machine:
1 simnow> newmachine
2 simnow>
The „switchmachine n‟ command switches the console window to the machine identified
by „n‟. All subsequent automation commands typed into the console window are directed
to the given machine „n‟.
2 simnow> switchmachine 1
1 simnow>
The „listmachines‟ command lists all machines that currently exist.
2 simnow> listmachines
*2 –-gui -–vga +d
1 –-gui –-vga +d
2 simnow>
See also Section 5.1, “Command-Line Arguments”, on page 35 for further information
regarding available command-line arguments.
To exit a created simulated machine enter „exit‟, as shown in the following example:
1 simnow> exit
+d: Mouse and Keyboard
inputs are enabled.
-d: Mouse and keyboard
inputs are disabled.
GUI is enabled (console mode).
* = Specifies current Machine ID.