AMD Confidential
User Manual September 12
, 2008
204 Appendix A
Short jump with the target specified
by a 16-bit signed displacement.
Short jump with the target specified
by a 32-bit signed displacement.
Near jump with the target specified
Near jump with the target specified
Near jump with the target specified
Far jump direct, with the target
specified by a far pointer contained
in the instruction.
Far jump direct, with the target
specified by a far pointer contained
in the instruction.
Far jump indirect, with the target
specified by a far pointer in memory.
Far jump indirect, with the target
specified by a far pointer in memory.
Load the SF, ZF, AF, PF, and CF flags
into the AH register.
Load DS:reg16 with a far pointer from
Load DS:reg32 with a far pointer from
Load ES:reg16 with a far pointer from
Load ES:reg32 with a far pointer from
Load FS:reg16 with a far pointer from
Load FS:reg32 with a far pointer from
Load GS:reg16 with a far pointer from
Load GS:reg32 with a far pointer from
Load SS:reg16 with a far pointer from
Load SS:reg32 with a far pointer from
Store effective address in a 16-bit
Store effective address in a 32-bit
Store effective address in a 64-bit
Set the stack pointer SP to the value
in the BP register and pop BP.
Set the stack pointer ESP to the
value in the EBP register and pop
Set the stack pointer RSP to the
value in the RBP register and pop
Force strong ordering of (serialize)
load operations.
Load byte at DS:rSI into AL and then
increment or decrement rSI.
Load word at DS:rSI into AX and then
increment or decrement rSI.
Load doubleword at DS:rSI into EAX
and then increment or decrement rSI.
Load quadword at DS:rSI into RAX and
then increment or decrement rSI.
Load byte at DS:rSI into AL and then
increment or decrement rSI.
Load word at DS:rSI into AX and then
increment or decrement rSI.
Load doubleword at DS:rSI into EAX
and then increment or decrement rSI.
Load quadword at DS:rSI into RAX and
then increment or decrement rSI.
Decrement rCX and then jump short if
rCX is not 0.