Chapter 5 · 84KINDLE DX USER’S GUIDE 2
Turn Wireless Off — turns the Whispernet connection off. If you turn wireless off,
you will not be able to access the Kindle Store.
Kindle Storefront — takes you to the Kindle Storefront.
Books — displays the books currently available in the Kindle Store.
Newspapers — displays the newspapers currently available in the Kindle Store.
Magazines — displays the magazines currently available in the Kindle Store.
Blogs — displays the blogs currently available in the Kindle Store.
Top Sellers — displays a list of Amazon best sellers. Outside the U.S., Kindle DX with
international wireless will display Kindle Best Sellers instead.
New & Noteworthy — displays a list of new or noteworthy content on the Kindle
Store. Outside the U.S., Kindle DX with international wireless will display Kindle Best
Sellers instead.
Recommended for You — displays items recommended for you by Amazon based on
your previous digital and physical purchases.
“Save For Later” Items — displays items you have previously noted as something that
might be of interest to you.