Chapter 7 · 105KINDLE DX USER’S GUIDE 2
Personal Info — enter any personal or contact information here such as an address
or phone number in case you lose your Kindle.
Version — indicates which version of software your Kindle is using.
Your Kindle needs to be registered with your Amazon.com account information
to use many of the Kindle features such as purchasing content. If your Kindle
is lost or transferred to another user, you should deregister your Kindle from your
account. The process to register or deregister is described below. You can also
register or deregister your Kindle on the Manage Your Kindle page on:
If your Kindle is not already registered, follow these steps:
1. If you are not already on the Home screen, press the Home button.
2. Press the Menu button. Make sure that Whispernet is turned on.
3. Move the 5-way down until “Settings” is underlined and press to select.
4. Press the 5-way to select “Register.”
5. You will see a text entry box at the bottom of the screen to enter your Amazon.com
user name and password (the e-mail address and password associated with your
Amazon account). Use the keyboard to enter in your information.
6. Navigate the 5-way to select “OK” to finish the registration process or “Cancel”
to cancel your registration.
Tip: If your Amazon user name or password contains characters not present on
the Kindle keyboard, press the Symbol key on the bottom of the keyboard
to see a menu of additional characters and select the character you require.
Once registered, you can make purchases on the Kindle Store, convert personal
documents on Amazon, use Basic Web, and take advantage of other Amazon-
sponsored services. If your Kindle has incorrect registration information, deregister
the device and then reregister it.