25. [CLRG]
This command clears the members for a single
group or for all groups. The clear command
restores the cards to default settings and is the
equivalent to sending the [CLR] command to
each individual card.
NOTE: Since this command is sending the
[CLR] command to its group members,
each card will display its own reset
message, if any.
Command Format: [CLRGkUi]
Gk = Group ID (k = # from 1-8, or [ for all)
Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0-9)
1) To clear group 1 of Unit ID 0, send the
[CLRG1] command. This command clears
the members for the specified group only.
2) To clear all groups of Unit ID 1, send the
[CLRG[U1] command.
26. [CLM]
This command removes the members in a
group and leaves the group empty. It is
equivalent to sending the [RMGkUi] command
without card references.
Command Format: [CLMGkUi]
Gk = Group number (k = # from 1-8)
Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0-9)
Group 5 of Unit ID 1 contains the cards in slots
1, 2 and 19. Read the member data for group 5
of Unit ID 1. Send the command [RDG5U1]
and receive the following feedback:
Now, clear group 5 by sending the command
[CLMG5U1]. Reread the member data as above
and note the following feedback:
Card Commands
1) [VER] Receives software version
2) [C] Receives status of the card
3) [CnS] Save card settings
4) [?] Show status/ general information
5) [STA] Enable/disable auto feedback
6) [SDL] Read Sync Delay settings
7) [SDLm] Set Sync Delay settings
8) [SIGI] Input signal detect
9) [SIGO] Output signal detect
10) [ON] Turns on one or more outputs for
a single card or a group of cards
11) [OFF] Turns off one or more outputs for
a single card or a group of cards
12) […S] Save the command configuration
13) […F] Provides feedback upon sending
14) […P] Sets the path, preload for [SW]
15) [SW] Switch preloaded output buffer
16) [IO] Connects inputs to the outputs
17) [CLR] Reset card to default values
18) [MAT] Define the matrix size
19) [TEST] Test internal memory IC's
20) [HELP] Display available commands
Group Commands
21) [WR] Groups multiple cards
22) [RMC] Remove members from a group
23) [RMG] Remove one or more groups
24) [RDG] Displays group members
25) [CLRG] Clears group members
26) [CLM] Removes an entire group