
18. [MATmXnCi]
This Matrix command allows the switcher card
to be setup for different matrix sizes.
m = number of inputs (8,4,2)
n = number of outputs (8,4,2,1)
i = card number (1-20)
MT105-120 MT105-121
8 X 8 8 X 4
Input Output Input Output
O5 O1 O1 O5 O5 O1 O1
O6 O2 O2 O6 O6 O2 O2
O7 O3 O3 O7 O7 O3 O3
O8 O4 O4 O8 O8 O4 O4
MT105-120 MT105-121
4 X 4 4 X 2
Input Output Input Output
O3a O1a O1a O3a O3a O1a O1a
O3b O1b O1b O3b O3b O1b O1b
O4a O2a O2a O4a O4a O2a O2a
O4b O2b O2b O4b O4b O2b O2b
MT105-120 MT105-121
2 X 2 2 X 1
Input Output Input Output
O2a O1a O1a O2a O2a O1a O1a
O2b O1b O1b O2b O2b O1b O1b
O2c O1c O1c O2c O2c O1c O1c
O2d O1d O1d O2d O2d O1d O1d
19. [TEST]
This command performs a test on the internal
memory. Upon completion, the system will
display the results. If there are no problems, the
system will display the following:
Otherwise, failures will be indicated.
Command Format: [TESTCnUi]
Cn = Card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)
Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9)
There is an MT105-120 in slot #4. Send the
command [TESTC4] to test the internal
20. [HELP]
This command displays information available
for the Multi-Tasker interface commands.
Command Format: [HELPCnUi]
Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)
Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9)
In order to display the RS-232 commands
available for the MT105-120/121 card in slot #2,
send the command [HELPC2]. The commands
along with a brief description will be displayed
in the Terminal Window.
21. [WR]
This command groups multiple cards in the
enclosure allowing all the group members to be
controlled simultaneously with the same
command. Each unit may define a maximum of
eight groups.
In Multi-Taskerâ„¢ systems with audio and video
cards, boards are typically grouped as follows:
Group 1 = Video Cards
Group 2 = Audio Cards
Group 3 = Video and Audio Cards
If assigning group commands to button
functions, it is best to use the "Press and Hold
on Power Up" to make group settings.