
Preferences menu. If inches, the user can enter a value between -1.000
and 1.000. In 1/300 inches, the user can enter an integer value between
-300 and 300. In 1/60 inches, the user can enter an integer value between
-60 and 60. The default value is -75 (300ths inch).
Left Offset
Left Offset specifies the amount of shift if Offset is selected (or active
because of the Auto Offset algorithm) under Size Correction. Negative
values move printed output left; positive values move printed output
right. The value can be entered in inches, 1/300 inches or 1/60 inches,
depending upon the setting of Measurement Setting for Entries under the
Preferences menu. If inches, the user can enter a value between -1.000
and 1.000. In 1/300 inches, the user can enter an integer value between
-300 and 300. In 1/60 inches, the user can enter an integer value between
-60 and 60. The default value is -75 (300ths inch).
Minimum Top Coordinate
The Minimum Top Coordinate setting is used if Auto Offset has been
selected under Size Correction in the Printer Setup menu. The XLI uses
this value to determine if the origin of the first character is in the
printable area of the page. The value entered by the user should normally
be 1/4 inch, since this is the area at the top of the page that cannot be
addressed by PCL5 printers. The default is 75 (300th inch). This value
may need to be increased if the origin of the character is within the
printable area, but the height of the character is such that the character is
clipped when printed.
The value can be entered in inches, 1/300 inches or 1/60 inches,
depending upon the setting of Measurement Setting for Entries under the
Preferences menu. If inches, the user can enter a value between 0.000
and 14.000. In 1/300 inches, the user can enter an integer value between
0 and 4200. In 1/60 inches, the user can enter an integer value between 0
and 840.
Minimum Left Coordinate
The Minimum Left Coordinate setting is used if Auto Offset has been
selected under Size Correction in the Printer Setup menu. The XLI uses
this value to determine if the origin of the first character is in the
printable area of the page. The value entered by the user should normally
be 1/4 inch, since this is the area on the left edge of the page that cannot
be addressed by PCL5 printers.