
FM Receivers
Measurement Procedure:
1 Connect the Receiver as shown.
On the Test Set:
2 Press the PRESET key.
3 Press the RX key.
Using the knob and data entry keys:
4 Set RF Gen Freq to the receiver operating frequency.
5 Set Amplitude to 137 dBm.
On the Radio set the Receiver’s Controls as follows:
6 Set power to ON.
7 If required, set frequency to the same value as step 4.
8 Set squelch to minimum.
9 Set RF Gain to maximum (if equipped).
10 Set coded squelch feature (if equipped) to OFF.
11 Set the volume control until noise is at a comfortable level.
12 Increase the Receiver’s squelch control until audio is just squelched.
Special Test Considerations
See "Coded Squelch" on page 47.