
SSB Receivers
Measurement Procedure:
1. Connect the Receiver as shown.
On the Test Set:
2. Press the PRESET key.
3. Press the RX key.
Using the knob and data entry keys:
4. Set RF Gen Freq to the receiver operating frequency.
NOTE: RF Gen Freq is dependent on the Receiver’s mode (LSB/USB) and the audio
frequency desired (normally 1 kHz). When setting for LSB, set RF Gen FREQ
to a setting 1 kHz less than the normal carrier frequency. For USB, set to 1
kHz higher.
5. Set Amplitude to 47 dBm (1 mV).
6. Set AFGen1 To OFF.
7. Set Ext Load R to the test load resistance.
8. Set AC Level meter to measure Watts.
9. Set SINAD meter to measure AF Freq.
Additional Equipment
Test Load
Special Test Considerations
See "Receiver Test Loads" on page 46.