442 Chapter5
One-Button Measurement Functions
Meas Setup (Multi-Carrier Power—MCP)
One-Button Measurement Functions
most useful for measuring cdmaOne and cdma2000 signals; the integration bandwidth
medthod is preferred for other signals.
Key Path:
Meas Setup
Key Notes: When Method is set to RBW, neither Noise Correction nor RRC Filter are
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: IBW
Range: IBW|RBW
History: Added with firmware revision A.02.00.
Remote Command:
5.19.8 Power Ref
Enables you to set the multi-carrier power reference to automatic or manual. When set to
automatic, the carrier power result reflects the measured power value in the selected
reference carrier (Meas Setup, Carrier Setup, Ref Carrier). When set to manual, the result is
referenced to the last measured value, or you may specify the reference for the
multi-carrier power measurement. Relative values are displayed, referenced to the “Power
Reference” value.
Key Path:
Meas Setup
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: Off/Measured power in the reference carrier.
Terminators: dBm
Default Terminator: dBm
History: Added with firmware revision A.02.00.
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:MCPower:CARRier:AUTO[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1