Chapter 2 161
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L
A definite length block of data starts with an ASCII header that begins with # and
indicates how many additional data points are following in the block. Suppose the header
is #512320:
• The first digit in the header (5) tells you how many additional digits/bytes there are in
the header.
• The 12320 means that 12,320 data bytes follow the header.
• Divide this number of bytes by your selected data format bytes/point, either 8 (for real
64), or 4 (for real 32). In this example, if you are using real 64 then there are 1540 data
points in the block.
State Saved: Saved in Instrument State.
Factory Preset: Survives Preset but not power cycle. Powers up in ASCII format.
Remote Command:
:FORMat[:TRACe][:DATA] ASCii|INTeger,32|REAL,32|REAL,64|UINTeger,16
Remote Command Notes:
Example: FORM REAL,32
Corrected Trace Data Types for :TRACe:DATA?<trace_name>
Data Type Result
ASCii Amplitude Units
UINTeger,32 (fastest) Internal Units
REAL,32 Amplitude Units
REAL,64 Amplitude Units