66 Chapter2
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L Amplitude
Allows you to enter the amplitude value for the current amplitude-correction point. After entering
an amplitude, the point number automatically increments and
Frequency becomes active to allow
entry of the frequency of the next point.
Key Path: AMPLITUDE / Y Scale, More, Corrections, Antenna (Cable, Other,orUser), Edit
State Saved: Not part of instrument state, saved in a corrections file.
Remote Command:
See “Edit” on page 62 Delete Point
Allows you to delete the amplitude-correction data for the currently selected point. The prompt “If
you are sure, press key again to delete” will appear on the display. Pressing
Delete Point
again will delete the point and adjust all of the point numbers as appropriate.
Key Path: AMPLITUDE / Y Scale, More, Corrections, Antenna (Cable, Other,orUser), Edit
Remote Command:
See “Edit” on page 62 Delete Corrections
Allows you to clear all data from the selected amplitude-correction set. The prompt If you
are sure, press key again to delete will appear on the display. Pressing
Delete again
will delete the correction set.
Key Path:
AMPLITUDE / Y Scale, More, Corrections, Antenna (Cable, Other,orUser)
Remote Command:
Remote Command Notes: CSET number equivalents to front-panel access definitions are
as follows:
CSET or CSET1 is Antenna
CSET2 is Cable
CSET3 is Other
CSET4 is User