50 Chapter2
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L
2.0.2 Attenuation
Allows you to adjust the input attenuation. Press Atten Step to set the attenuation step so
that attenuation will change in 2 dB or 10 dB increments. The analyzer input attenuator
reduces the power level of the input signal delivered to the input mixer. If set manually, the
attenuator is recoupled when Attenuation (Auto) is selected. To enter a value below 6 dB,
you must use the front-panel numeric keypad.
Attenuation is coupled to Reference Level, so adjusting the Reference Level may change
the Attenuation. The analyzer selects an Attenuation setting that is as small as possible
while keeping the Ref Level at or below the Max Mixer Lvl setting. The current value is
indicated by Atten at the top of the display. A # appears in front of Atten when
is selected.
CAUTION To prevent damage to the input mixer, do not exceed a power level of +30 dBm
at the input.
To prevent signal compression, keep the power at the input mixer below 0
dBm (10 MHz - 200 MHz), below 3 dBm (200 MHz - 6.6 GHz), and below
–2 dBm (6.6 GHz - 50.0 GHz). With the attenuator set to Auto, a signal at or
below the reference level results in a mixer level at or below −10 dBm.
Key Path:
State Saved: Saved in Instrument State
Factory Preset: Auto Coupled, 10 dB (for external amplifier gain of 0 dB)
Truncation: The attenuation is resolved to 2 dB increments. Value setting a logarithm:
if value is at least 0.5 dB over a value, then the next higher value is
selected. Therefore, 10.4 selects 10, while 10.5 selects 12.
Range: 0 dB to 70 dB
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:POWer[:RF]:ATTenuation <rel_power>
[:SENSe]:POWer[:RF]:ATTenuation:AUTO OFF|ON|0|1
Remote Command Notes: The Reference Level setting may be affected when the
Attenuation is changed. See
Ref Level.
Example: POW:ATT 30