5-40 Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
This command sets the channel configuration, which determines how you specify
the channel_list or card_number in other commands. The query returns the present
channel configuration. At *RST, this parameter is set to ACONfig. See “Channel
Configuration Mode” on page 3-13.
When configuration is changed by this command, all channels are opened
(disconnected) and become same status as after :SYSTem:CPON ALL execution.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:FUNCtion channel_config
Query response ACON or NCON <newline><^END>
Example OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:FUNC ACON"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
In this example, A$ will be ACON.
This command disconnects all input ports from all output ports for the specified
card. For some modes (such as Single Route Mode, Couple Mode, Ground Mode,
and Bias Mode), more complex disconnections may occur.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:OPEN:CARD card_number
Parameter Explanation
channel_config ACONfig: Auto Config Mode
NCONfig: Normal Config Mode
Parameter Explanation
card_number For Auto Config mode: 0 or ALL
For Normal Config mode: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL