
Agilent E5250A User’s Guide, Edition 9 7-25
Command Reference
This command bias enables the output ports specified by channel_list.
When Bias Mode is ON, this command closes relays to connect the input Bias Port
to the output ports specified by channel_list.
Refer to "ROUTe:BIAS:STATe". Output ports that are already connected to another
input port cannot be connected to the input Bias Port.
At *RST, all output ports are bias enabled.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:BIAS:CHANnel:ENABle[:LIST] (@channel_list)
The input ports specified by the channel_list are ignored. The input port is always
the input Bias Port. So, in the channel_list, only the card numbers and output ports
have meaning. But you cannot omit the input port in the channel_list.
Example OUTPUT @Hp5250;":ROUT:BIAS:CHAN:ENAB (@10401,10502)"
In above example, the input Bias Port on card 1 is enabled for output ports 1 and 2.
Specified input ports 4 and 5 are ignored because input port is always the input Bias
Parameter Explanation
channel_list Channels to bias enable.
For details about channel_list, refer to Chapter 5.