Agilent E5250A User’s Guide, Edition 9 7-11
Command Reference
This command sets the Service Request "Enable" Register bits.
1 enables, 0 masks.
Syntax *SRE enable_number
Query response enable_number <newline><^END>
Semantics The Service Request "Enable" Register consists of 8 bits: Bit0 to Bit7. Bit6 is not
defined, and is always 0. The Service Request "Enable" Register determines which
bits of the Status Byte Register are enabled.
The status of the enabled bits are ORed together, and the result of OR is output to
bit6 (Master Summary Status bit) of Status Byte Register. For details, refer to
“Status Reporting Structure” on page 7-48.
The following table shows the bits of the Status Byte Register, and the
binary-weighted decimal value of each bit.
Parameter Explanation
enable_number decimal integer (that is the sum of the binary-weighted values
for the desired bits), hexadecimal, octal, or binary value
01not used
12not used
24not used
38not used
4 16 MAV (Message Available summary-message)
5 32 ESB (Event Status Bit)
6 64 MSS (Master Summary Status)
7 128 not used