
Instrument Block Diagrams
Block Diagram 3
Block Diagram 3 contains circuits found only in the HP/Agilent 8922B. These circuits are
used with the RF Generator circuits (BD2) to generate GSM signals. These circuits can
only be controlled with the rear-panel GPIO connector on the HP/Agilent 8922B.
Block Diagram 4
Block Diagram 4 illustrates the modules that are primarily digital and are used to generate
the digital information and control signals required to set up a call with a GSM mobile
radio. These are not found in the the HP/Agilent 8922A or B.
Block Diagram 5
Block Diagram 5 is an overall block diagram. It illustrates the interconnecting control
signals and busses between the modules. This block diagram also shows detailed pin
labels for the A19 Measurement board and A33 Hop Controller. The A19 board measures
voltages and frequencies from most of the analog modules. It is the primary tool used for
the internal diagnostic measurements and many other measurements. The A33 Hop
Controller contains the circuits that communicate with the analog analyzer and generator