
Module I/O Specifications
A11 Receiver Mixer
NOTE: To measure RCVR_IN, the connection must T’ed and a DC blocking capacitor used on the
measurement cable. This is to maintain the DC controlling voltage from A16 Receiver,
which controls the filters within the receiver mixer. It also the blocking capacitor prvents
the controlling voltage being loaded by measurement equipment.
Use a known working reference into RF IN/OUT port, or if in doubt, directly into RF
socket on receiver mixer. Ensure frequency and port settings are correct on the RF
Analyzer page. Reduce expected input level if oscilloscope or spectrum analyzer do not
show a signal.
To A16 Receiver
Typical Output Levels
Normal 27 to 37 dBm
Underrange 37 to 60 dBm
Conversion Gain 10 ± 2 dB Temp, .4 to 1000 MHz In.
Flatness Uncal (± 5 Mhz) (Referenced from I.F.center )
614 MHz I.F. ± 1.5 dB
114.3 MHz I.F. ± 1.5 dB
IF Filter 114.3 MHz
Center 114.3 ± 5 MHz
B.W. (1 dB) 40 MHz ± 5 MHz
Rejection > 35 dB +885 MHz
IF Filter 614.3 MHz
Center 614.3 ± 0.1 MHz Adjustable.
B.W. (1 dB) 10 MHz ± 0.1 MHz
Rejection > 50 dB + 885 MHz