
Agilent 87130A Operating and Service Manual 4-15
Remote Operation
*ESR? (Event Status Register Query)
*ESR? (Event Status Register Query)
The *ESR query returns the contents of the Standard Event Status Register.
The table shows each bit in the Event Status Register and the bit weight.
When you read the Event Status Register, the value returned is the total bit
weights of all bits that are high at the time you read the byte. The register is
cleared to 0 on a
*CLS and after *ESR? is executed.
Refer to the command
*STB (Status Byte) on page 4-20 to learn how
ESR is reported through the Status Byte.
Example Query OUTPUT 709;*ESR?
ENTER 709; Event
Table 4-3 Event Status Register Bit Definitions
Bit Weight Name Condition
7 128 PON 1 = an OFF to ON transition has occurred
6 64 URQ (not used) always 0
5 32 CME 0 = no command errors
1 = a command error has been detected
4 16 EXE 0 = no execution errors
1 = an execution error has been detected
3 8 DDE 0 = no device dependent errors
1 = a device dependent error has been detected
2 4 QYE 0 = no query errors
1 = a query error has been detected
1 2 RQC (not used) always 0
0 1 OPC 0 = operation is not complete
1 = operation is complete