Agilent 87130A Operating and Service Manual 4-11
Remote Operation
Programming the Switch Driver
String Variables If you want to observe the headers for queries, you must bring the returned
data into a BASIC string variable. Reading queries into string variables is
simple and straightforward, requiring little attention to formatting.
Example ENTER 709;Result$
places the output of the query in the string variable Result$.
The output of the switch driver may be either numeric or character data
depending on what is queried. Refer to the specific commands for the
formats and types of data returned from queries.
For the example programs, assume that the device being programmed is at
device selector 709. The actual address will vary according to how you have
configured the bus for your own application.
Example This example shows the data being returned to a string variable:
10 DIM Rang$[40]
30 OUTPUT 709;“ROUTE:VERIFY:OFF? (@101:105);”
40 ENTER 709;Rang$
50 PRINT Rang$
60 END
After running this program, the controller displays a list of 1’s or 0’s
separated by commas for every channel in the list.
Instrument Status Status registers track the current status of the switch driver. By checking the
instrument status, you can find out whether an operation has been
completed, whether the switch driver is receiving triggers, and query for
command and execution errors. Refer to the command *ESR? (Event Status
Register Query) on page 4-15
for more information.