:DIGitize [<waveform_name>][,<waveform_name>]
Invokes a special mode of data acquisition that is more efficient than using
the RUN command. This command initializes the selected channels,
functions, responses, or FFT to “unacquired,” then acquires them according
to the current instrument settings. When all signals are completely acquired,
the instrument is stopped.
{CHANnel<number> | FUNCtion<number> | FFT |
For channels: an integer, 1 through 4, indicating the slot in which the channel
resides, followed by an optional A or B identifying which of two possible
channels in the slot is being referenced. For functions: 1 or 2. For responses:
1, 2, 3, or 4.
:MENU {APPLication | CHANnel<number> | ACQuire |
TIMebase | TRIGger | DISK | DISPlay | MARker |
MEASure | MATH | WAVeform | SETup | PRINt |
HELP | UTILity | FFT | LTESt | HISTogram |
MTESt | MEYE | TDR<number> | MTDR<number>}
For channels, indicates the slot (1 through 4) in which the channel resides,
followed by an optional A or B identifying which of two possible channels in
the slot is being referenced.
For TDR, controls the TDR/TDT menus for channels 2 and 4.
For MTDR, controls the TDR/TDT menus for channels 2 and 4.
Root Level Commands