Root Level Commands
:BLANk {CHANnel<number> | WMEMory<number> |
FUNCtion <number> | FFT | RESPonse<number> |
HISTogram | PMEMory1}
Turns off an active channel, function, waveform memory, pixel memory, FFT,
histogram, or TDR response. The VIEW command turns them on.
For channels: an integer, 1 through 4, indicating the slot in which the channel
resides, followed by an optional A or B identifying which of two possible
channels in the slot is being referenced. For functions: 1 or 2. For waveform
memories (WMEMory): 1, 2, 3, or 4. For pixel memories (PMEMory): 1. For
TDR response: 1, 2, 3, or 4.
:COMMents {PLUGin<number>, <comments>}
Sets the comments field for the plugin. This field is used to describe options
included in the plugin, or for user commands about the plugin.
Represents the plugin slot numbered 1 through 4.
Represents the unquoted string.