PCI-1718 Series User Manual 64
C.3 A/D Data and Channels — BASE+00H~01H
AD11 ~ AD0 Analog to digital data
AD0 The least significant bit (LSB) of the A/D data
AD11 The most significant bit (MSB)
C3 ~ C0 A/D channel number from which the data is derived
C0 The least significant bit (LSB) of the channels
C3 The most significant bit (MSB)
C.4 Software A/D Trigger — BASE+00H
You can trigger an A/D conversion from software, the card's onboard
pacer or an external pulse. If you select software triggering, a write to the
register BASE+00H with any value will trigger an A/D conversion.
Bits 1 and 0 of register BASE+09H select the trigger source. See page 67
for BASE+09H register layout and programming information.
Table C.4: Register for A/D Data and Channels
Read A/D data and channels
Bit # 7 6543210
BASE + 00H AD3 AD2 AD1 AD0 C3 C2 C1 C0
BASE + 01H AD11 AD10 AD9 AD8 AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4
Table C.5: Register for Software A/D Trigger
Write Software A/D trigger
Bit # 7 654321 0
BASE + 00H X X X X X X X X