
27 Chapter 3
3.2.8 Setting the Time to Reset Digital Outputs
Some users will want the capability of clearing each digital output when
the system (or PC) issues a reset signal on the PCI bus. Other users will
want to clear their signal outputs only as part of system power-on.
PCI-1718 cards satisfy both these needs with jumper JP21. Depending on
the application, this capability may allow digital outputs to be “OFF”
without requiring a complete shutdown of processes controlled by the
Complete loss of power to the chip clears the chip memory. Thus, no mat-
ter how JP21 is set, if the power to the PCI-1718 card is disconnected, the
digital output channel’s initial power-on state will be “OFF”.
Table 3.8: JP21 Jumper Settings
Jumper Function description
JP21 Keep last status after hot reset.
Reset status after hot reset