
Macromedia MAX 2005 - Anaheim, CA What’s New In Flash 8
Switch between files to see how the Library stays pinned
4. Notice how the same Library stays open.
5. Deselect the Pin, and switch between files. Notice how the Library Panel changes.
To resize the Library panel, do any of the following:
1. Drag the lower right corner of the panel.
2. Click the Wide State
button to enlarge the Library panel so it shows all the columns.
3. Click the Narrow State
button to reduce the width of the Library panel.
4. To change the width of columns:
5. Position the pointer between column headers and drag to resize.
NOTE: You cannot change the order of columns.
Using Tabbed Panels
Improved Panel Management
Group panels together and navigate between panels with tabs, like other graphic applications. This
is a old throwback that is a worthwhile addition to the Flash 8 environment.
To display multiple panels in a single panel window:
1. Click a panel's pop-up menu.
2. Select the Group Panel Name With option.
3. Select another panel to add the current panel to from the submenu.
The first panel is added as a tab to the second panel.