
Macromedia MAX 2005 - Anaheim, CA What’s New In Flash 8
This template creates a simple HTML file that contains only your SWF file when displayed in
a browser window.
Choosing Flash Only from the Template menu
4. Click Detect Flash Version – Keep the value at 8.0.0.
5. Click OK.
6. Select File > Publish and open your web browser.
7. Select File > Open in the web browser.
8. Navigate to the folder where you saved your FLA file in the Unit 2 folder.
The SimpleFlash.swf and SimpleFlash.html files are there. Flash creates these files when
you click Publish.
9. Select the file named SimpleFlash.html.
10. Click Open. Your Flash document is displayed in the browser window. Congratulations! You
have now completed your first Flash document.