Accessing Storage Devices
2-16 Library List 6-00025-01 Rev A
AMASS Must Manage Shared Drives
If more than one client (besides AMASS) is sharing a drive
through DAS, the drives must be allocated to AMASS for the
install_tests script to successfully complete.
• To determine which client currently has the drive, select an
OS/2 window on the PC, change to the DAS\bin directory,
and use the following command option.
• To allocate the management of the drive to AMASS, run the
DASADMIN command with the DOWN option and then use the
UP option with the specified AMASS drive name and client
name. In our example below, the AMASS client name is
amassrockies and the drive name is Optical01.
Automated Drive Cleaning
To use automated drive cleaning by AMASS, disable DAS drive
cleaning in the \das\etc\config file by commenting out any
cleaning-related configuration information. For information on
automated drive cleaning, refer to “driveclean” in the Command
Reference chapter in Managing the AMASS File System.
cd \DAS\bin
DASADMIN allocd Optical01 DOWN client2name
DASADMIN allocd Optical01 UP amassrockies