Technical Support
90 MM701G User Manual
Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by contacting the ADC Technical
Assistance Center (TAC).
• Telephone: 800.638.0031
• Fax: 714.730.2400
• Email wsd_support@adc.com
A Customer Service Engineer answers technical assistance calls Monday through Friday
between 7:30 AMand 5:30 PM, Pacific Time, excluding holidays. At all other times, an on-duty
Customer Service Engineer returns technical assistance calls within 30 minutes.
Refer to the ADC web site (see above) for specific warranty information.
To return equipment to ADC:
1 Locate the purchase order number under which the equipment was purchased. You will
need to provide this number to ADC Customer Service to obtain a return authorization.
2 Call ADCCustomer Service to ask for aReturn Material Authorization (RMA) number and
instructions before returning products. Use the telephone number, fax number, or email
address listed below:
• Telephone: 800.366.3891 ext. 63748 or 952.946.3748
The 800 line is toll-free in the U.S. and Canada.
• Fax: 952.946.3237
• Email Address: repair&return@adc.com
3 Be prepared to provide the following information:
• Company name, address, telephone number, and the name of a person Customer
Service can contact regarding this equipment.
• A description of the equipment as well as the number of units that you are returning.
Be sure to include the model and part number of each unit.
• The shipping address to which Customer Service should return the repaired equipment.
• The reason for the return.