Chapter 3 - Configuring the REX2
Campus-REX2 RS Interface Card User Manual 39
2 If you choose static IP configuration, type then press . At the
prompt, enter the local IP address and subnet mask for the
Campus-REX2 LAN port.
Required format is nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
Enter IP Address:
Enter Subnet Mask (<CR> only=default Mask
This parameter must be set for the Campus-REX2 to respond to an
application (such as SNMP, telnet, and FTP) that uses the IP protocol.
The subnet mask allows the Campus-REX2 to determine if a host, such
as an SNMP management station or trap receiver, is on the same local
subnet. If it is, the Campus-REX2 can send messages directly to the host;
if not, messages must be sent through a default router. This must be set
for the Campus-REX2 to respond to applications that use the IP protocol.
3 If you choose static IP configuration, type then press to
configure the default gateway. At the prompt, enter the IP address of the
default gateway through which the Campus-REX2 can reach a host
(SNMP station or trap receiver) on another network. The default value
for this parameter is
Required format is nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
Enter Default Gateway: