
F8-x86_64 on the Acer Ferrari 3400LMi
Notice the two AT strings discussed above. The other commands are mainly
cosmetic and may differ depending on your tool and its configurations.
13.3 Sending files
To send files to your OBEX (Object Exchange) capable phone you need the
packages openobex and openobex-apps.
# obex_push 3 00:0A:D9:E9:D8:4F test.jpg
| |
| |_ Bluetooth address to send to
|_Channel for the OBEX Object Push service
A more convenient way to do this is to use the KDE extension KBluetooth
described in its own section below.
13.4 Mouse & keyboard
Once you have got bluetooth working it is a breeze to use a bluetooth mouse
and/or keyboard, a.k.a Human Input Device. First you need to scan for your
device. Make sure that bluetooth is activated on both the laptop and the
mouse/keyboard. Then press the setup button on the mouse/keyboard to make
it announce itself and type:
# hidd --search
Searching ...
Connecting to device 00:0A:94:C1:B6:5D
In the next section you will find a more user friendly and persistent way of
connecting your bluetooth mouse/keayboard.
13.5 KBluetooth
If you are running KDE, there is a Bluetooth extension called KBluetooth
available. There is a similar package available for Gnome users, but KBluetooth is
discussed here. Before starting to explore it you should make sure that all the
details work. For this reason it is recommended that you start out with only the
basic bluez-utils package as described in the sections above. Once your bluetooth
works as expected, go ahead and install KBluetooth.
13.5.1 Installation
Once the details are in place and you know how things work, you may start to
play around with KBluetooth. First verify that it is installed by:
# rpm -q kdebluetooth