F8-x86_64 on the Acer Ferrari 3400LMi
keycode 135 = XF86Launch3
keycode 140 = XF86Launch4
keycode 248 = XF86Launch5
keycode 214 = XF86Display
keycode 160 = XF86AudioMute
keycode 176 = XF86AudioRaiseVolume
keycode 174 = XF86AudioLowerVolume
8. The setting above are loaded the next time X is started, but to load them
without a restart of X do:
# xmodmap -verbose /etc/X11/Xmodmap
! executing work queue
keycode 0xec = XF86Mail
keycode 0xb2 = XF86WWW
keycode 0xc9 = XF86Launch1
keycode 0x92 = XF86Launch2
keycode 0x87 = XF86Launch3
keycode 0x8c = XF86Launch4
keycode 0xf8 = XF86Launch5
keycode 0xd6 = XF86Display
keycode 0xa0 = XF86AudioMute
keycode 0xb0 = XF86AudioRaiseVolume
keycode 0xae = XF86AudioLowerVolume
8.1.5 Configure actions
9. Finally it is time to configure the button actions. Actions for all but the
audio control keys are easily configured in the KDE Control Center ->
Regional & Accessibility -> Keyboard Shortcuts under the tab Command
10. However, you probably also want to configure the audio control buttons.
This is done in the same manner inside KMix. Fire up KMix and go to the
menu Settings/Configure Global Shortcuts...
11.If you want to use the Fn-F5 key to manipulate the graphical output, refer
to the section 10 Graphics below.
9 CPU & ACPI support
A pleasant news is the advancements in ACPI support. Now all the desirable
features are working right out of the box, without any configuration.