Model 480i Broadsoft Admin Guide
Setting Parameters through Configuration Files
Parameter –
sip lineN user name
ConÞgurable through the conÞguration Þles.
ConÞgurations done through the 480i's
Options List or the Aastra 480i web client
affect the Þrst line only.
Description The value for this parameter is used in the
name Þeld of the SIP URI for the 480i phone
and for registering the 480i at the registrar.
Format Text
Default Value Not Applicable
Range N in the sip lineN user name ranges
from 1 to 9
Example sip line1 user name: 1001
Parameter –
sip lineN display name
ConÞgurable only through the
conÞguration Þles.
Description This is used in the display name Þeld of the
From SIP header Þeld. Some IP PBX systems
use this as the caller’s ID and some may
overwrite this with the string that is set at
the PBX system.
Format Text
Default Value Not Applicable
Range N in the sip lineN display name ranges
from 1 to 9
Example sip line1 display name: Joe Smith
Parameter –
sip lineN screen name
ConÞgurable through the conÞguration Þles.
ConÞgurations done through the 480i's
Options List or the Aastra 480i web client
affect the Þrst line only.
Description This is used to display text on the screen of
the phone. You may want to set this
parameter to display the phone user's name.
Format Text
Default Value Not Applicable
Range N in the sip lineN screen name ranges
from 1 to 9
Example sip line1 screen name: Joe Smith