Model 480i Broadsoft Admin Guide
Setting Parameters through Configuration Files
Parameter –
sip registrar port
ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options
List, the Aastra 480i web client or through
the conÞguration Þles
Description The registrar's port number. This setting
must be set to zero "0" if using SRV queries
for your DNS server.
Format Integer
Default Value 0
Range Not Applicable
Example registrar port: 5060
Parameter –
sip digit timeout
ConÞgurable through the conÞguration
Þles only
Description Represents the time in seconds to conÞgure
the timeout between consecutive key
Format Integer
Default Value 4
Range Not Applicable
Example sip digit timeout: 6
Parameter –
sip registration period
ConÞgurable only through the
conÞguration Þles.
Description The time in seconds that the 480i should
use to send re-registration requests to.
The value of this parameter will be used in
the expires header Þeld value in the SIP
REGISTER request.
Format Integer
Default Value 0
Range Not Applicable
Example sip registration period: 3600