Copyright IPitomy Communication, LLC 60 0007VRF
Tip: Keys will only work if the System Administrator has configured the system for the
particular function.
Key Label
The label is the display name to use for the key. It is visible on the phone’s LCD
screen (except for models 9112i and 9113i).
Key Value
The value completes a key’s function. It may contain a number to dial special
codes or allow you to select an extension from a dropdown list. Most key types
do not require you to enter a value. For example, the Voicemail key does not
require a value because the System Administrator determines it for the end user.
Keys that require users to enter values:
o Speed Dial
Key State
Generally, a key is only active when the current extension line status matches
the enabled states. Some special keys are always active, regardless of state.
When a key is active you can see the key’s label printed on the phone’s display
screen. When a key is inactive it is not displayed and cannot be used. Default
states for each key type will be automatically filled in for you.
To program a key’s state:
Check the desired boxes (any of: Idle, Connected, Incoming, Outgoing). If no
boxes are available for checking it means that the key will always be active.
Key State Description
Idle No current call activity.
Connected A call is connected.
Incoming A call is ringing the extension.
Outgoing A call is being placed from the extension.