Copyright IPitomy Communication, LLC 38 0007VRF
Router Information
Firmware Version – This shows version number of the IP1000’s firmware
Current Time – This shows the time set on the IP1000
Internet MAC Address – This is the IP1000’s MAC address.
Host Name – The Host Name entered when set TCP/IP Settings screen.
Domain Name – The Domain Name entered when set TCP/IP Settings screen
Internet Connection
Connection Type – This indicates the type of Internet connection you are using. For
dial-up style connections such as PPPoE or PPTP, there is a Connect button to re-
establish the Internet connection if there is no connection.
Interface – This indicates the Internet connection of the IP PBX, up or down.
IP Address – Show IP1000’s Internet IP address.
Subnet Mask and Default Gateway – The IP PBX’s Subnet Mask and Default
Gateway address are displayed here for DHCP and static IP connections.
DNS1-3 – Show the DNS (Domain Name System) IP addresses currently used by
the IP1000.