
56 A
B: A
Listing Virtual
Channel Connection
You can list general virtual channel connection (VCC) information as well
as specific transmit and receive information.
Listing General VCC Information
To list general VCC information, enter the following command from the
top level of the Administration Console:
atm ports vcc list
Sample display of general VCC information:
Table 9 describes the fields in the display.
Port 1: Virtual circuits, actual: 10 maximum: 128
VPI/VCI status aalType lastChange
0/5 localUpEndToEndUnknown 5 1 min
0/16 localUpEndToEndUnknown 5 1 hr 37 mins 25 secs
3/381 localUpEndToEndUnknown 5 2 hrs 51 mins 40 secs
3/382 localUpEndToEndUnknown 5 2 hrs 51 mins 41 secs
3/383 localUpEndToEndUnknown 5 2 hrs 51 mins 41 secs
3/384 localUpEndToEndUnknown 5 2 hrs 51 mins 40 secs
3/385 localUpEndToEndUnknown 5 2 hrs 51 mins 42 secs
3/386 localUpEndToEndUnknown 5 2 hrs 51 mins 41 secs
3/387 localUpEndToEndUnknown 5 2 hrs 51 mins 42 secs
3/388 localUpEndToEndUnknown 5 2 hrs 51 mins 41 secs
Table 9
Fields in the General VCC Display
Field Description
aalType Type of ATM Adaptation Layer (aal5)
lastChange Last time the circuit changed state
status Current status for the circuit
VPI/VCI The VPI and VCI for the circuit listed in the present entry