Xilinx UG4153 Blood Glucose Meter User Manual

H.264 Motion Estimation Engine www.xilinx.com 23
UG453 (v1.1) April 23, 2008
Chapter 5
Verifying the System
This chapter describes the verification environment delivered with the Motion Estimation
Engine core. Ultimately, the system is verified by using long regression tests with several
different resolution input sequences. The output of the hardware from these tests must
exactly match the output given by the reference software that runs with the same stimulus.
Verification Platform Release
For the purposes of running, viewing, and understanding the verification process, the
release provides the following files:
1. Libraries of object (precompiled) source (same as Simulation):
2. Source video sequences:
See the “Appendix, “Supporting Information” for the full file list.
3. Verification scripts:
4. Testbench support module:
5. Software reference code executables: