Directions for Use 5
Blood Pressure Warnings
WARNING There are no user-serviceable parts inside the device other than
battery replacement. Refer Spot Vital Signs to the Authorized Service Center.
WARNING The Spot Vital Signs should not be used on patients who are linked
to heart/lung machines.
WARNING The Spot Vital Signs does not operate effectively on patients who are
experiencing convulsions or tremors.
WARNING This device complies with current required standards for
electromagnetic interference and should not present problems to other
equipment or be affected by other devices. As a precaution, avoid using this
device in close proximity to other equipment.
WARNING This device is not intended for hand-held use during operation.
WARNING Welch Allyn recommends leaving the battery in the device,
regardless if the device is not used for long periods of time, since there is no
hazard of leaving the battery in the device.
WARNING Do not autoclave.
WARNING Welch Allyn is not responsible for the integrity of any mounting
installation. Welch Allyn recommends that the customer contact their Biomedical
Engineering Department or maintenance service to ensure professional
installation for safety and reliability of any mounting accessory.
WARNING To ensure pediatric blood pressure accuracy and safety, the Welch
Allyn Child Print Cuff (5200-03), the Welch Allyn Small Child Durable One-Piece
Cuff (5082-203-3), and the Welch Allyn Small Child Disposable One-Piece Cuff
(5082-93-3) are the smallest cuffs allowed for use with young children and infants.
The circumference of the child’s arm must fit within the range markings on the
WARNING You may experience inaccurate blood pressure measurements if
blood pressure cuffs and/or hoses other than those provided by Welch Allyn for
the Spot Vital Signs are used.
WARNING Patients who are experiencing moderate to severe arrhythmias may
give inaccurate blood pressure measurements.
WARNING When several blood pressure measurements are taken on the same
patient, it is recommended that the blood pressure cuff site and extremity are
checked regularly for possible ischemia, purpura, and/or neuropathy.
WARNING Do not change the connector(s) on the blood pressure cuff tubing of
this device to luer type. Luer type connectors are commonly used in intravenous
infusion systems. Using the luer connectors on blood pressure cuff tubing
creates the risk that the blood pressure tubing could be mistakenly connected to
a patient's intravenous line, resulting in the introduction of air into the patient's
circulatory system.