• The technical specifications of the mask are provided for your clinician
to check that they are compatible with the CPAP or bilevel device. If
used outside specification or if used with incompatible devices, the
seal and comfort of the mask may not be effective, optimum therapy
may not be achieved, and leak, or variation in the rate of leak, may
affect the device function.
• Discontinue using this mask if the child has any adverse reaction to
the use of the mask, and consult your physician or sleep therapist.
• At a fixed rate of supplemental oxygen flow, the inhaled oxygen
concentration varies, depending on the pressure settings, patient
breathing pattern, mask, point of application and leak rate. This
warning applies to most type of CPAP or bilevel devices.
• As with all masks, some rebreathing may occur at low CPAP
• Refer to your device manual for details on settings and operational