to burn continuously.About once a minute, the charge indicator LEDs
go out momentarily and then come back on.This indicates that the
battery is being maintained at full charge.The full charge indication will
persist until the handle is removed from the charger.
The blinking yellow LED indicates that fewer than 3 brushings remain.
Charge Indicator (series 7300)
◗ When the handle is placed in the charger, the charge indicator
LED will blink green as the battery charges.When the battery
reaches full charge, the charge indicator LED will burn green
continuously until the handle is removed from the charger.
When your Sonicare is turned on or off, the charge indicator LED will
blink yellow if the battery charge is low.
Luxury Brush Holder (series 7800, 7500)
◗ Some Sonicare models come with a Luxury Brush Holder (series
7800, 7500).
◗ The Luxury Brush Holder can be mounted to the wall with 2
screws (3.0 x 30mm) and 2 wall plugs (not included).
Caring for your Sonicare
Simple tips for care
By following these simple steps, you should get years of worry-free
1 Rinse the brush head and bristles after each use.