
with a minimum accuracy of ±0.1 degree
Fahrenheit or ±0.2 degree Centigrade.
Step 1. Ensure the unit is turned off. Connect the
output of the thermocouple simulator to the input
of the indicator using the appropriate
thermocouple wire. Set the simulator output to 0°C
Step 2. Locate the calibration switch on the back
of the case labeled “Zero”. Remove the black
button. Using a small screw drive or flat end of the
trimmer pot, press the cal switch once. The display
should read version and then switch to ambient
temperature; press the switch one more time. The
display should indicate .0.0 °C
Step 3. Press the switch one more time, the
display should read max calibration temperature
(for K type: 13.2.0, for J type: 9.6.0, for T type:
3.5.0, and for E type: 9.5.0) Now, set the simulator
output to display temperature as show in table