Introduction 1
The TX91 two-wire transmitter receives and measures signals from
thermocouples and sends an output current of 4-20 mAwhich is directly
proportional to the thermocouple millivolt input. It is designed to
connect with only two copper wire leads that will supply the voltage to
operate the transmitter from a DC power supply, and also carry the
output current. The output current is then used for recording, computing
or controlling.
If the TX91 is mounted inside a protection head, such as the OMEGA
NB1 Protection Head (see Figure 3-1), the thermocouple extension wires
are replaced by two copper wires that carry the 4-20 mAsignal and DC
voltage to operate the transmitter. (Refer to the OMEGATemperature
Handbook for information on NB1 Thermocouple Assembly.)