Tips on Speedlight Care and Reference Information
GN (guide number) ..............H-5
Group .................................. E-3
Guide number .....................H-5
Guide number table ...........H-19
Insufficient flash output for
correct exposure .....C-2, E-10
ISO sensitivity .......................H-5
ISO sensitivity factors ...........H-5
i-TTL balanced
fill-flash ............................C-1
i-TTL flash control ................C-1
LED button ..........................B-6
LED light ..............................D-1
Light sensor window for
wireless remote flash ........ E-7
Lock release .........................B-6
Low battery power
indication .......................B-11
Manual flash control ............C-3
Master flash unit ...........A-7, E-5
Min. recycling time ............H-20
Modeling flash ..................... F-7
Monitor pre-flashes ..............A-6
Mounting foot ...................B-12
Mounting foot lock lever ....B-12
Movie recording ..................D-1
Multiple flash-unit
photography .................... E-1
Nikon Creative Lighting
System (CLS) ....................A-6
Number of flash firings ......H-20
Photography using multiple
lights.........................D-2, E-1