Match "No. of PLC" with the number of CPU modules actually mounted. If the numbers do not match, an error will occur.
Online Module Change
(1) Basic model QCPU
This parameter is not supported.
(2) Process CPU
Check the checkbox to enable online module change.
(3) High Performance model QCPU and Universal model QCPU
Check the checkbox if online module change is enabled with a Process
CPU. Modules controlled by a High Performance model QCPU or
Universal model QCPU cannot be replaced online.
Not selected
I/O Sharing When Using
Multiple CPUs
Set this parameter to read the input (X) and output (Y) data from the I/O
modules and intelligent function modules controlled by other CPU modules.
• Loading input (X) data: Page 105, Section 5.2.1
• Loading output (Y) data: Page 107, Section 5.2.2
Not selected
Multiple CPU High Speed
Transmission Area Setting
Set this parameter to enable automatic data communications between the
CPU modules in the system using the multiple CPU high speed transmission
area of the CPU shared memory.
Only Universal model QCPUs support this parameter.
Note that some conditions must be met on the main base units and CPU
modules to be used. ( Page 135, Section 6.1.2)
If the conditions cannot be satisfied, use "Communication Area Setting
(Refresh Setting)".
"Use Multiple CPU High
Speed Transmission"
checkbox: Selected
Communication Area Setting
(Refresh Setting)
Set this parameter to enable automatic data communications between the
CPU modules in the system using the automatic refresh area of the CPU
shared memory. ( Page 122, Section 6.1.1)
Item Description Default