- 9 -
9. Using the scales
9.1. Measuring bodyweight only
To measure only your current body-
1 Press the button On/Info once ᕧ or
tap with your foot on the middle of
the scales to switch the scales on.
Shown in the display ᕡ is „0.0
ƽ Danger!
Never burden the scales one-sidedly. Al-
ways step onto the scales in the middle
and with both feet. Then place the feet,
one after the other, onto the left and
right sensors. Otherwise, the scales could
tip and become irreparably damaged.
Additionally, there is the danger of
Ensure that the upper surface of the
scales is dry when you step onto it.
Otherwise, there is a danger of slipping!
ƽ Warning!
Do not burden the scales with a weight
of more than 160 kg! Through this, the
scales could be irreparably damaged!
If possible, weigh yourself unclothed.
This provides the most accurate measure-
ments. Step onto the scales without
shoes and socks. Wearing these could
falsify the measurement results.
2 Stand on the scales.
3 The weight measurement runs, in the
display ᕡ the bodyweight is shown.
The body weight display can fluctuate
during the measuring process. You
should therefore stand quite still. Af-
ter a few seconds the weight display
flash 2 times which is your current
body weight.
• If you remain standing on the scales,
the device will automatically shut off
after ca. 7 seconds.
• If you step from the scales, „0.0
will appear again on the display
screen ᕡ after a few seconds. The sca-
les are now ready for further body
weight measurement.
• If no new body weight measurement
is carried out within ca. 7 seconds,
then the scales will turn off automati-
cally after ca. 7 seconds if no buttons
are pressed.
9.2. Measuring the bodyweight, body-
fat, muscle mass and body-water
shares and the calorie requirements.
9.2.1. Important notice about measuring
If possible, weigh yourself unclothed.
This provides the most accurate measure-
ments. In every case, step onto the scales
without shoes and socks. Otherwise, a
measurement of bodyweight, bodyfat,
muscle mass and body-water shares and
the calorie requirements is not possible.
Additionally, the bodyweight shown will
be higher than your actual bodyweight.
KH 5516
IB_KH5516_KOE4276_UK.qxd 06.07.2007 11:06 Uhr Seite 9