Table 11. TP970 Series Thermostat Accessories.
Part No. Description
14000686-002 Two-pipe red—angled
14000742-002 Two-pipe red—straight
14001527-001 Three-pipe —white, straight
14004558-002 Tube-Spring assembly—6 inch branch, black
14004558-001 Tube-Spring assembly—6 inch main, red
14002172-001 Branch Line Gage Tap Plug
Cable Assembly:
14001494-001 One-pipe—8 ft (2.5m) poly sheathing
14001494-002 Two-pipe—8 ft (2.5m) poly sheathing
14001494-003 Three-pipe—8 ft (2.5m) poly sheathing
See Tables 11 & 12 Covers:
14004505-001 Double Elbow—Used with airheads
14002362-001 Duct Sampling Chamber with Shallow Wall Plate Fittings
14001496-001 Electrical Box Adapter Plate
311699 Internal Tubing Spring—Used as strain relief inside plastic tubing
Modernization Fitting, Universal:
14002573-001 One- and Two-Pipe
14002573-002 Three-Pipe
14003192-001 Serviceline Adapter Kit (for Honeywell stats prior to 1985)
Mounting Ring:
14004458-001 Flush
14004458-001 Surface
14000885-001 Standoff Plaster Ring
14004300-001 Setpoint (Indicator Adjustment) Knob Retainer Kit—Used to prevent setpoint knob breakage
on TP970 and TP973 thermostats with metal covers. Kit contains two socket-head screws,
an Allen key, two round spacers, and a bar. The bar fits across the bottom of the
thermostat to shield setpoint knob.
14002430-001 Thermostat Heavy Duty Guard
14002424-002 Wall Box—Aspirating with 8 ft (2.5m) 5/32-in. O.D. plastic tubing
AK3970 Cover for Aspirating Wall Box
Wall Box—Deep:
14001494-001 One-Pipe—8 ft (2.5m) copper tubing assembly
14001494-002 Two-Pipe—8 ft (2.5m) copper tubing assembly
14001494-003 Three-Pipe—8 ft (2.5m) copper tubing assembly
14001492-001 Two-Pipe—8 ft (2.5m), 5/32-in. plastic tubing assembly (modified 1985)
14001354-001 Mounting Bracket—Deep Wall Box
14001355-001 Box alone
Wall Box—Shallow:
14001615-001 One-Pipe—8 ft (2.5m) copper tubing assembly (modified 1985)
14001616-001 One-Pipe—8 ft (2.5m), 5/32-in. plastic tubing assembly (modified 1985)
14001615-002 Two-Pipe—8 ft (2.5m) copper tubing assembly (modified 1985)
14001616-002 Two-Pipe—8 ft (2.5m), 5/32-in. plastic tubing assembly (modified 1985)
14001614-001 Plate alone
Wall Plate:
14002136-004 Black
14002136-005 Beige
14002540-002 Q629 A-C Fan Speed Switch
14004401-002 Convertastat Adapter
14001905-001 Wall Plate Assembly—blank, beige, with screws
14002053-001 Mounting Plate Assembly (Before 1985 this was a metal plate requiring an airhead. Now it is
plastic and includes tube connection barbs.)
14004609-001 Steel Stiffener Plate (for stronger support of 14002053-001)