Graham Field LF1040 Personal Lift User Manual

Note: Only qualified persons should service and repair your Lumex patient lift. Regular
maintenance of your patient lift is necessary to ensure continuing proper and safe opera-
tion. Read and observe the following recommended maintenance schedule:
Item Inspect
daily monthly every 6
Base and Casters
Ensure that base is level (all four wheels touch the oor) X X X
Ensure that caster mounting bolts and axle bolts are tight X X
Ensure that casters swivel and roll freely X X
Apply a light grease to caster ball bearings X
Base Adjustments
Ensure that base opens and closes smoothly X X X
Ensure that base locks securely in three positions X X
Ensure that locking knob is in place and operating properly X X
Inspect all base hardware for wear X
Ensure that mast is fully engaged and locked into mast sleeve X X
Inspect mast for bends or deections X
Inspect all mast hardware for wear X X
Inspect boom for bends or deections X X
Ensure that boom is centered between the base legs X X X
Inspect all boom hardware for wear X
Spreader Bar
Inspect hanger post for wear or damage X
Inspect sling hook for wear or deections X X
Inspect all spreader bar hardware for wear X X
Inspect slings and straps for wear or damage X
Inspect metal/plastic parts for wear or damage X
Lubrication with light oil
Lubricate all pivot points X
Lubricate top and bottom of actuator mounting X
Clean with mild non-abrasive detergent X
Pump (LF1030 only)
Ensure that pump mounting hardware is tight X X
Inspect pump mounting hardware for wear X
Electronics and actuator (LF1040 only)
Ensure that battery is fully charged X X
Inspect for proper up / down operation X X
Ensure that mounting hardware is tight X X
Inspect mounting hardware for wear X