What you should know before using the TAT:
z Measure only the side of the head exposed to the environment. Anything
covering the area to be measured (hair, hat, wig, bandages) would insulate
the area, resulting in falsely high readings.
z Slide the thermometer straight across the forehead, not down the side
of the face. Midline on the forehead, the TA is about a millimeter below
the skin, whereas at the side of the face, the TA is much deeper, and
measuring there would result in falsely low readings.
z When taking the temperature behind the ear lobe (if there is perspiration
on the forehead, see pg 7), first push away any hair, exposing the area.
Then, tuck the thermometer on the neck under the ear lobe, in the soft
conical depression, (the place where perfume might be applied).
z Wait about 30 seconds before measuring the same person again to avoid
excessive cooling of the skin.
z An infant is frequently swaddled in blankets and clothing covering the
neck area. Unless visibly sweaty, one measurement at the TA area is
typically all that is required. Should you feel the temperature is low, then
push aside any clothing or blankets covering the neck area for ~30
seconds or so, and repeat the measurement on the neck behind the ear.
Measuring TA Temperature
Factors that may affect measurement accuracy:
The patented AHB technology in your TemporalScanner actu-
ally makes two separate measurements (1) the temperature of
the skin over the temporal artery, and (2) the temperature of
the room. To determine the most accurate reading, it meas-
ures both temperatures some 1000 times a second as you
sweep the TemporalScanner across the forehead. The AHB
system then calculates how much the blood has cooled down
during its journey from the heart to the skin over the temporal
artery and makes allowance for this in the temperature it displays. The result is
a highly accurate reading - delivered extremely fast and with no discomfort.
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