74 Field Setup Wizard
Section 4: Configuration Daniel 3410 Series Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meter Installation Manual
June 2014 3-9000-759 Rev D
4.2 Field Setup Wizard
1. Use the Field Setup Wizard-Startup in Daniel MeterLink
and select the checkboxes that
allow proper configuration for your meter (Temperature, Pressure, Meter Corrections,
Meter Outputs, Gas chromatograph setup, Continuous flow analysis, View local display
setup, 4+4 8-path meter combine output and SOS limit percentage). Selections on this
page will affect other configuration selections. Select
Next to continue to General
2. Use General setup to configure the meter’s units system (U.S Customary or Metric
units) volume units, flow rate time, low flow cutoff, contract hour, enable reverse flow
alarm, set meter time and notepad comments. Select
Next to continue to Frequency/
Digital Outputs page.
Note: The Meter’s Units system configured on the General Page affect the units for the
optional Local Display items.
3. Set the Frequency/Digital Outputs Sources for either a frequency output or a digital
status. Select the Source for each Frequency/Digital output and select the desired drive
Mode. The Mode options are Open Collector which requires an external excitation
voltage and pull-up resistor or TTL mode which outputs a 0-5 VDC signal. Select
Next to
continue to Frequency Outputs page.
Note: Frequency outputs 1 and Digital outputs 1 are paired together meaning the
Digital outputs 1 will report the status for the parameter for Frequency outputs 1.
Similarly, Frequency outputs 2 and Digital outputs 2 are paired together. Additionally,
each Frequency output has an A and B output phase.
4. Configure Frequency output 1 and Frequency output 2 content, flow direction, Channel
B phase, maximum frequency output (Hertz) and full scale volumetric flow rate. Select
Next to continue to Meter Digital Outputs.
5. Select the Meter Digital Output parameters for Digital output 1A, Digital output 1B,
Digital output 2A and Digital output 2B based on Frequency validity or flow direction.
if the output of the ultrasonic meter is reversed from what a flow computer is
expecting, select Inverted Operation. This changes the digital output from a HIGH for a
TRUE condition to output a LOW for a TRUE condition. Select
Next to continue to
Current Outputs.
6. Current Outputs are based on Uncorrected (Actual) flow rate) content, flow direction
(Forward, Reverse or Absolute) and Full scale volumetric flow rate used with output
(20mA maximum). Alarm action parameters determines the state the output will drive
during an alarm condition (High 20mA, Low - 4 mA, Hold last value, Very low - 3.5, Very
high 20.5 mA or None). Select
Next to configure the HART® Output(s) parameters.
7. HART® Output parameters include four Dynamic process variables (Primary,
Secondary, Third and Fourth variable. The Primary variable is set to match the Content
set for Current output 1. If a second current output is available, the Secondary variable
is set to match the Content set for Current output 1) Identification and HART® units
(volume units, flow rate time units, velocity units, pressure and temperature units).
Next to continue to the Meter Corrections page.